Całkowita ilość wyświetleń

piątek, 5 czerwca 2015


"We leave as much as we create ourselves. "
"Tyle zostawiamy,  ile stworzymy sami. "

Tyle po nas zostanie,

ile sami stworzymy,  
tak nas zapamiętają,
jakie były nasze czyny.
 Tyle będzie szacunku,  
ile respektu jest w nas,
na ile umiemy kochać,  
na tyle miłości pozwoli czas.
To do nas wraca,
co sami dajemy,
czym się dzielimy,  
to też dostajemy...

1 komentarz:

  1. There will be so much
    left after us,
    how much ourselves
    wil we create,
    as are were remembered,
    as what our actions were.
    So much will we be respected,
    as much respect is in us,
    as much as we know
    how to love,
    for as much love
    will allow the time.
    It comes back to us,
    what we give,
    what we share,
    we also get ...
